Astrology Information

Your Love Compatibility

Your data:

21/07/1982 12:00 Julian day 2445172.00
-0.00 ST 7.56 Lat 0.00 Long 0.00

13/03/1986 01:32 Julian day 2446502.56
-0.00 ST 12.54 Lat 0.00 Long 0.00

Your compatibility chart:
SunTrineMercury 0.43 211
MercuryTrineSun 1.44 171
VenusSquareMercury 1.52-157
MarsSextileMars 0.47 77
MarsSextileUranus 0.36 63
UranusTrineMercury 1.36 64
NeptuneSquareSun 2.38 -90
NeptuneConjunctionMars 2.43 83
NeptuneConjunctionUranus 2.32 70
PlutoSextileUranus 1.56 28
  767 -247 520
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Our best compatibility report and it deals "specifically" with romantic relationships between two people. Gina Ronco delivers a report that will reveal all the inner secrets your potential or current lover has hidden away about his/her character. You will discover much about yourself and how you relate to your lover. You won't be disappointed with this well written , detailed romantic report. It's about 10 - 12 pages in length and is prepared by Gina Ronco. The interpretations are clearly written, with sensitivity.

Inter-planetary aspects

These concern the possible relationships between two charts: especially the emotional relationship , but also those on the social, intellectual and spiritual levels.

211 Trine Sun - Mercury

Positive aspect: Good understanding between the two persons and intellectual interests in common, the same type of curiosity. They are made to go well together, to appreciate each other.

171 Trine Sun - Mercury

Positive aspect: Good understanding between the two persons and intellectual interests in common, the same type of curiosity. They are made to go well together, to appreciate each other.

-157 Square Mercury - Venus

Negative aspect: Their relationship will sometimes be agreeable, sometimes disturbed. They will like to share their ideas which are not always to the other's taste, so that they may have interminable discussions in order to convince each other of their mistakes, lack of judgement or lack of taste.

-90 Square Sun - Neptune

Negative aspect: The Sun will probably suffer in this relationship. Neptune may deceive the other, lie, will promise a fantastic future that only exists in the imagination. Neptune will not be able to live up to these dreams.

83 Conjunction Mars - Neptune

Positive aspect: A difficult union that can succeed, but could founder in lies. Be very careful.

77 Sextile Mars - Mars

Positive aspect: A life together in which each will desire the other and satisfy each other's sexual needs. As neither is frustrated, the couple will develop in a pleasant atmosphere. They will do great things together.

64 Trine Mercury - Uranus

Positive aspect: No clouds in this couple's life. They have a good intellectual understanding, take pleasure in being together, in discussing and exchanging ideas.

63 Sextile Mars - Uranus

Positive aspect: Favorable for union, linking originality to initiative and decision-making.

Look into the future of your relationships! Will that new friendship work out long term? Is the new boss going to get along? Will my lover be undergoing any major shifts in his or her thinking in the next few months? These are the aspects these "Future Compatibility Reports" attempt to address.